SHEAT College of Engineering, Varanasi

Electronics and Communication Engineering


The electronics & Communication stream represents two fastest growing technology areas in view of exponential growth taking place in the communication networks in the country. The department is organized in tune with this latest development in terms of curriculum well –qualified faculty and the state of the art labs for course in Electronics & communication engineering along with course in Electronics & communication engineering. Intake of (ECE) courses is 60 students and for the courses its is 18.

Job Prospects of the Course

Gadgets /equipment in day to day life both by consumers and industry is not hidden today .Many industries are coming up for  automation and it is expanding its reach in the other untouched area .After completing in electronics and communication  engineering students have job opportunities in companies  institutes and research organization of both public and private repute . Intel Samsung Electronics Sony Toshiba Philips Semiconductors Texas Instruments LG Electronics Nokia AMD CISCO Nvdia HP IBM TCS Wipro Infosys  US Technologies Accenture etc are among private sector companies which demands do exit in public sector  units /organizations such as  BEL BHEL DRDO NTPC NHPC BSNL  BANKING SECTORS  etc apart from this for an ECE  graduate ample of avenues prevail in the field of  engineering  and management for pursuing higher studies  from reputed  institutions of both India and Abroad.


The electronics and communication department conducts training program and workshop based    on the new innovations. These programs have  a large number of participants from other colleges also  training  programs are offered in the area like  advances in electronics and communication multimedia  signal  processing  MIMO wireless communication  statistical signal processing etc 

The branch coordinators are responsible for training  strategy  formulation  training needs analysis designing contents and delivery methodology for conduction each and every program .Expert are invited from different prominent and organization like  SAC ISRO, DRDO DAIICT  IITs  NITs  CEERI-Pilani Si- Bridge  NTICE technologies etc.

Laboratories and other facilities

Electronics laboratory

this is basic electronics laboratory in which the students are taught about solid state device in theory and practice . student learn about parrot characteristics of P-N junction diode zener diode LED and this February student are also made aware about rectifier circuit filter circuits clipping circuit in transistor etc.

Digital Electronics laboratory

The students are provided with a modern Western Digital Electronics laboratory with adequate facilities the lab has advanced equipment to perform experiment with shift register basic logic gates Up down counter and Multiplexer and demultiplexer encoder and Decoder circuit etc.

Electronics Engineering Design laboratory

Hera students are made a abreast with latest Electronic Engineering capabilities including analog and Digital circuit design and programming.

Microwave engineering laboratory

This library provides the  information regarding  the various microwave devices the student can practically learn measurements and working of various my Chrome where devices. student can also analyze the numerical and graphical specifications ( data sheet )of various microwave devices. various antenna radiation pattern are plotted  using computer controlled  equipment’s.

Communication laboratory I & II

The equipment available in the are used to  understand that the theoretical aspects of analog and digital communication student get acquainted with the various modulation and demodulation techniques used laboratory to communication.

Microprocessor laboratory

 The laboratory contents the microprocessors where the student study the hardware functions memory structure and operation of 8085 8086 microprocessor kit.