SHEAT College of Engineering, Varanasi


The Training and Placement department is committed to ensuring successful student placements. It guides students on career choices and offers up-to-date information on training and job opportunities.

Key focus areas include offering guidance, counseling, and connecting students with potential employers to secure the best possible placements based on market conditions. The department serves the interests of both students and employers by providing a suitable platform.

For any enquiry mail us at

Click here for Campus Placement Inquiry

University Job Portal

 The aims of this department are as follows:

  • To assist companies in recruiting candidates based on their requirements.
  • To coordinate campus recruitment for final-year students in esteemed companies.
  • Raising awareness among students about diverse career opportunities.
  • To boost students’ employability by offering training in aptitude and soft skills.
  • Connecting Industry and Academia through:
  • Workshops, Expert Talks, Symposiums, Corporate Interactions, and Industry Visits, etc.
  • Collaborating with multiple departments to enhance industry-relevant skills.               

With Regards

Mrs. Pooja Singh

Head, Training & Placement